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website design

SKILLS HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Design, Creative Strategy, Copywriting

My "Web Creation Bootcamp" course at Northeastern University taught me the basics of working with HTML and CSS for web design, using Visual Studio Code as our main development platform. Our final assignment was to develop a website with a hamburger menu of at least four navigation tabs. Each tab had to have interactive elements coded into the site, and ensure a good practice of device responsiveness, SEO and accessibility, among other things. Students had the option to create whatever website they wanted, as long as all of the required elements were included throughout the site. We also had to create a final design document that explained our website's mission statement and audience, our branding choices, a wireframe and site map, and our final reflection on our overall performance. I decided to create a website for a fictional company called Willow & Co., that specialized in event photography and photo-editing services. 

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