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SKILLS Media Management, Copywriting, Creative Strategy, Web Design

The Women's Network (TWN) is a national organization built to celebrate women's ambition. It helps undergraduate women establish meaningful connections with other women in multiple fields and industries while also helping boost their confidence and ideas of self-worth in the professional world.​ After having launched chapters in multiple new schools across the United States, TWN was in need of a new E-Board at Boston University. After a rigorous and selective interview process, I was selected to be the first Blog Manager at the Boston University Chapter of TWN.

Utilizing Adobe Creative Suite, I created graphics from scratch that would help represent both BU's and TWN's brand. I also developed the BU TWN website and blog utilizing Wordpress, integrating the branding and designs aforementioned to create a unified look across our chapter marketing. These designs have since been fully incorporated in the chapter's brand as a whole. The designs and colors can be seen used in all marketing graphics used by the BU chapter, and has been recognized by the National TWN Board.

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As part of my duties, I oversaw the publishing of every post done by my team of blog writers, all of which I personally interviewed and approved. I supervised their writing schedules, organized team brainstorming meetings, and worked with each writer to create meaningful blog content. I thoroughly inspected each post, making editorial comments and suggestions for the writers as I went, before publishing each post. I further created original title graphics for each individual post to help draw public attention.

I wrote various long-form blog posts for the website. My specialty lied in writing posts based on speaker events and individual interviews done with powerful women across the United States, all of which offered us incredible wisdom and advice. These pieces were shared across chapter socials, some of which even got social media recognition from the subject of the post itself (i.e. my piece on Dr. Natasha Bhalla got reposted on her Instagram stories and garnered attention from her followers as well as the National network!)


The website has since been disabled as a TWN National decision to consolidate all blog posts into one website. However, my graphics and blog posts continue to be used throughout the Network to this day.

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